Teachers can see the code students are writing in real-time
Students can collaborate on projects
See how other students code and think differently
Teachers can monitor video and coding screens simultaneously, both online and offline, to stay organized
All students create their own website portfolio, provided by the school
The website is a platform that records and stores counseling records and the entire education process
It is administered by the academy as its own archive to solve the problem of difficult history management
5-Stage Learning Management System
Regular feedback contact at the end of each course to guide and confirm next steps
Brief comments from your instructor after each class
Flexible roadmap adjustments based on changes in interest courses
Individuals/Groups can collaborate and submit homework together
Instructors send assignments directly to students, parents, and school in bulk
Close monitoring is provided (parents must have a Google account)
Customized roadmap design based on individual curiosity and talents
Recommendations for GPA, participation in external competitions, etc., will be provided at the optimal timing
For further details, please visit our academy's website or reach out for a consultation^^